Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Hate Lillian Jean!

In Roll of thunder hear my cry the logans faced segregation and racism.Many people tell them that they need to listen to the Caucasian people.They weren't able to accomplish important things like the white people.

I would tell Ms.Lillian Jean to leave me alone.She just loves to talk but she never incourages people.Like when Cassie bumped into her she just could've said "it's ok," and kept walking but had to tell her to apologize.But there was no choice so she had to apologize to Ms.Lillian Jean.Ms. Lillian Jean is a really hateful woman because she doesn't believe black people should be like white people.Although most of the time like RW and Melvin stole and gave it to TJ so he could get into trouble,Tj would specify but she wouldn't listen.

I believe Lillian Jean just doesn't like black people at all.Uncle Hammer said "Now this thing between you and Lillian Jean most folks would think you should go around doing what she tell you.....and maybe you should--he said.If Lillian pushed my brother or told him he had to go into the street I would seriously slap her because she is out of her mine just because he's black.I wouldn't go over board but would tell her seriously don't talk to my brother like that young lady.

TJ is a trader by not believing the Logans.If I he was the Logans i would give up on Tj.As he said "who needs y'all a nyway?

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