Thursday, March 4, 2010

Will we meet E.T?

Readers Response
1.I'm not apart of the 54% of americans believing in the extraterrestrial life because that means you believe in the show Star Trek which isn't real.Said in the story "As they found two Saturn sized planets."

3.Yes,it would be good if there where radio signals because they'll be able to see if humans are on the moon and keep track of them because they can make a record but wouldn't be notice so radio signals are good.This would reveal if humans are on the moon.
Writers Response
1.Maybe the writer was trying to be sarcastic in the first paragraph because of the use of the word irony which means {A use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal menaing.}

2.The reader may have not known use of the use of the word so the writer explained it more.

3.To show that the Scientists was very important than other people may have thought they were so he put appositives.

4.he may put less information because this was probably a serious matter but didn't want to go into the matter because it may have been very serious.

5.To show the importance of extraterrestrial life and the difference so he put viewpoints.

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